Funded Projects
Sr. No | Name of Faculty | Name of the Project | Funding Agency | Sanctioned Amount (In Rs.) | Sanction year |
1 | Mr. V.B. Deokamble, Mr. A.G.Dakre | Campus to Industry Ready Program | C Centric Learning Edge Pvt Ltd | 54,000 | June 2023 |
2 | Dr. G.S. Gawande | Digital Temperature sensor one wire protocol interface | Micron Tech Systems | 10,000 | March 2023 |
3 | Mr. A.G.Dakre | Translating the files of the course Electrical Machines (108102146) in Marathi language | National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) | 19,250 | August 2021 |
4 | Mr. A.G.Dakre | Translating the files of the course Electrical Machines (108102146) in Marathi language | National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning (NPTEL) | 17,500 | September 2020 |
5 | Dr. A.S. Bhatlawande (Solanke) | Student Learning Assessment (SLA) Review work | All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) | 40,000 | May 2021 |