Home » UG Programme » Mechanical Engineering » Faculty
- vikasdeulgaonkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Mech), M.E(Design)
Areas of Interest:
Machine Design, Mechanical Vibrations, Theory of Machines, Finite Element Analysis, Heavy Vehicle Design, Chassis mounted Structures
- krpatil@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D., M.E., M.P.M.
Areas of Interest:
I. C. Engines, Alternative Fuels, Combustion, Emissions,
Energy Audit and
- pramodpurandare@mmcoe.
edu.in - Ph.D, ME(Mech)
Areas of Interest:
Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics, Applied Thermodynamics,
Heat Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning.
Vidwan Profile
- vijaybhatkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D., M.E.(Heat Power)
Areas of Interest:
Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Fluid Mechanics.
Vidwan Profile
- pravinkatare@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D, M.Tech.(Mech-Heat Power)
- pradiptamkhade@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D., M.E. (Mech-Heat Power)
- shravantijoshii@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Sensor Tech), MTech(Nanotech)
Areas of Interest:
Nanomaterials Chemistry, Chemical Sensors, (CCUS), Heterogeneous Catalysis, and Environmental Nanoremediation.
Vidwan Profile
- rahulyadav@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Mechanical), M.E.
- rajendratodkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Mech), M.E.(Heat Power)
Areas of Interest:
Fluid Mechanics, Turbo Machines and Heat Transfer.
Vidwan Profile
- swanandkirpekar@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Mech), M.Tech (AMM)
Areas of Interest:
AI and ML, Heat power, Material and Metallurgy, Python, SQL, Phase Change Materials and Hydrogen fuels, solar energy, 3D Experience and 3D Printing
Vidwan Profile
- manojjoshi@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(MEMS), M.Tech. (Physical Metallurgy)
Areas of Interest:
Physical Metallurgy, Tribology, Coatings, Surface Engineering, Composite Materials.
Vidwan Profile
- swapnillahane@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D., M.Tech.
Areas of Interest:Manufacturing Science / Engineering, Circular Economy, Circular Supply Chain Management, Industrial Management, Quality Engineering, Production Technology, Maintenance Engineering
Vidwan Profile
- tushargadekar@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Mechanical), M.Tech (Design Engineering)
- abhijeetsuryawanshi@mmcoe.
edu.in - Ph.D.(Mech), M.Tech(Mech Design)
Areas of Interest:
Tribology, Composite material, Design of machine elements, Theory of Machines.
Vidwan Profile
- priteshbansod@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Design), M.E(Design)
Areas of Interest:Noise Control Engineering, Nanocomposites and Nanomechanics, Lightweight materials and Structures
Vidwan Profile
- amitdesale@mmcoe.edu.in
- MTech(Mech-Automobile), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
- shrikantbelsare@mmcoe.edu.inÂ
- M.E(Mech-Heat Power)
Areas of Interest:
HVAC, Manufacturing, Robotics & Automation, CFD, Cloud Computing, and Networking Technologies.
Vidwan Profile
- mayurirode@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E(Design), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Machine Design , Strength of materials, CADVidwan Profile
- gauraochaudhary@mmcoe.edu.inÂ
- M.E(Mech-Design)
Areas of Interest:
Design Engineering, Vibration Analysis, Renewable Energy.
Vidwan Profile
- santoshraut@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E., Ph.D(Pursuing),
- rahulpatil@mmcoe.edu.inÂ
- M.E(Design), Ph.D(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Computer-Aided Engineering, Finite Element Analysis, Solid Mechanics, Natural Fibre Composites, Design of Machine Elements
Vidwan Profile
- hemantpisal@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech(Mech-Thermal & Fluids), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Renewable Energy, Heat Transfer, I. C. Engines, Alternative Fuels.
Vidwan Profile
- sunilkale@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech(Thermal), Ph.D(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Fluid Mechanics, Heat Transfer, Turbo Machines.
Vidwan Profile
Areas of Interest:
Manufacturing Processes, Agriculture mechanization, Machine drawing, Machine Design, Production technology.Vidwan Profile
- martandpandagale@mmcoe.
edu.in - M.Tech (Mechanical-CAD/CAM)
Areas of Interest:
CAD/CAM, Sheet Metals, Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing
Vidwan Profile
- pradipbhambure@mmcoe.edu.in
- M-Tech (Thermal Engineering), Ph.D(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Refrigeration and air conditioning, condenser, heat ex-changer, I. C. Engines, Fluid mechanics
Vidwan Profile
- santoshkedari@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech (Production Management)
Areas of Interest:
Vidwan Profile
- priyawadikar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech (Heat Power Engineering)
Areas of Interest:
Heat Exchangers , IC Engine
Vidwan Profile
- swapnajawalkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E. (Mechanical Design), Ph.D(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
CAD/CAM, Sheet Metals, Additive Manufacturing, 3D Printing
Vidwan Profile
- asmaparkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech (Production Management)
- dhaneshpawar@mmcoe.edu.in
- ME (Mechanical Design), PhD (Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:Strength of material, Machine Components Design and Analysis, Vibration
Vidwan Profile
- sachinpatil@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E. (Mechanical Design), Ph.D (Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Mechanical Vibration, Machine Design, Mechatronics
Vidwan Profile
- nishantsukalkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E (Mechanical-Design), MBA(OSCM), Ph.D (Pursuing),Â
Areas of Interest:
Design, Development & Optimization, Manufacturing, Operations Management.
Vidwan Profile
- ajitkumarnimbalkar@mmcoe.
edu.in - ME(Mechanical - Design Engineering), Ph.D(Pursuing),Â
Areas of Interest:Design Engineering, Energy Engineering, Mechatronics, Composite Material.
Vidwan Profile
- msranade@gmail.com
- M.Tech (Heat Power Refrigeration) IIT Bombay
Areas of Interest:
Thermal Engineering, HVAC
Vidwan Profile