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- anjalisolanke@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D., M.E.(Microwave)
Areas of Interest:
Communication Engineering and computer vision and Image Processing

- swatideshmukh@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E. (Electronics)
Areas of Interest:
Electronic Product Design, Medical Image Processing, Linear Integrated Circuits
Vidwan Profile

- priyasawant@mmcoe.edu.in
- Â M.E. (Electronics), Ph.D.(Pursuing),
Areas of Interest:
Digital Signal Processing, Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT)

- manishadudhedia@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D., M.E.(Power Electronics & Drives)
Areas of Interest:
Communication, Signal Processing, Biomedical, Internet of things
Vidwan Profile

- harshadaburande@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital System), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
VLSI, Signal Processing
Vidwan Profile

- sampadatavse@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital Systems),
Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Communication, Signal Processing, Deep Learning
Vidwan Profile

- mrinalinipangaonkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(VLSI), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
VLSI, Image Processing, Control Systems
Vidwan Profile

- rajeshwarimalekar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Microwave), Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Networking, Communication, Signal Processing

- jitendrabakliwal@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D. , M.Tech.(Electronics)
Areas of Interest:
Power Electronics
Vidwan Profile

- vasantdeokamble@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(E&TC), MBA(Business Analytics)
Areas of Interest:
Data Analytics, Digital Marketing

- dishaparkhi@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital Systems), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Computer Networks, Operating Systems, Wireless Networks, IoT
Vidwan Profile

- snehalkoparde@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech.(E&TC), Ph.D. (Pursuing)
Areas of Interest: Wireless Network
Vidwan Profile

- anupdakre@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital Signal Processing), Ph.D.(Pursuing)Â
Areas of Interest:
Embedded System Design , Process Control & Automation
Vidwan Profile

- archanakanwade@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(E&TC)

- neetathune@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Electronics)

- hemlatajadhav@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(E&TC)

- pallaviwadkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Electronics), Ph.D.(Pursuing)
Areas of Interest:
Image Processing, Embedded System
Vidwan Profile

- chetanapatil@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital System)
Areas of Interest:
Image Processing, Embedded system
Vidwan Profile

- deepalipotdar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(E&TC), Ph.D.(Pursuing)

- vishalbhope@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital Electronics)

- madhaveedeorankar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(VLSI & Embedded System)

- mayurideshmukh@mmcoe.edu.in
- Ph.D.(Electronics), M.E.(Digital Electronics)

- kunalkurkarni@mmcoe.edu.in
- M-Tech (Wireless Communication and Networks)

- pawankale@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.Tech, Ph.D.(Pursuing)

- vedantsambhar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E., Ph.D.(Pursuing)

- rameshsutar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E. (VLSI & Embedded Systems)

- ranjanakedar@mmcoe.edu.in
- M.E.(Digital Systems), Ph.D. (Pursuing)

- swanandpasalkar@mmcoe.edu.in
- ME (VLSI & Embedded System)