
Workshop on “Android Development” dated 4/4/24 to 5/4/24 and 8/4/24.
Management Development Program on Effective Financial Management dated 29/1/24 to 30/1/24.
A one-day workshop on PLC & SCADA on 16/09/23.
Faculty Development Program on VLSI Design using Cadence tools dated 03/01/24 to 05/01/24.
Workshop on Latex dated 21/12/23 to 22/12/23.
International Conference on, “Global Conference on Sustainability and Futuristic Technology” – 2023 dated 14/12/23 to 15/12/23.
Hands on Workshop on Connecting the Unconnected IOT dated 21/10/23.
3 Days Workshop on System Modelling & Simulation for EV Fundamentals dated 16/10/ 23 to 18/10/23.
2 days workshop on Hardware Integration with MATLAB & SIMULINK dated 16/10/ 23 to 17/10/23.
Faculty Workshop on AI for teaching and research in Engineering Education using MATLAB dated 04/08/23.
PCB layout development workshop dated 23/03/23 to 24/03/23.
Three days training session on soft skill by Rubicon dated 14/03/23 to 16/03/23.
IOT for green environment dated 20/03/23.
Faculty Development Program on Innovations in Materials and Processing for Energy Environment and Electronics dated 7/2/23 to 11/2/23.
Proteus workshop under the Aegis of IETE Student Forum (ISF) dated 11/02/23.
The art of Talktimes dated 19/12/22 to 20/12/22.
Arduino basics workshop dated 01/10/ 22.
PCB design workshop dated 15/09/ 22.
Smart classroom orientation program dated 14/06/ 22.
Alumni Dynamic Interaction series dated 6/9/22,8/9/22,10/9/22.
One week FDP on “Computer vision and Deep Learning” dated 28/03/ 22 to 01/04/22.
Faculty Orientation Workshop TE 2019 pattern for PDC subject dated 27/01/22 to 29/1/22.
Webinar on Art of Harnessing Power of Mind dated 01/10/ 21.
Hands on session on Web Application Development dated 24/9/21 to 25/9/21.
Alumni Dynamic Interaction Series dated 5/9/21 to 15/9/21.
International Virtual Conference on Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management Sciences dated 23/07/21 to 24/07/21.
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