Faculty Publications
Home » UG Programme » Mechanical Engineering » Research and Consultancy » Faculty Publications
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Failure Analysis of Industrial Screw Conveyors, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 1547-7029. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11668-023-01719-3
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Design and Analysis of Self-Balancing Two Wheeler Vehicle,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, Vol.14. No. 5 (2023), 0975-3060, 26-12-2023
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Modelling and Finite Element Analysis of a Foldable Vehicle,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 16(1), 39-44, 08-03-2024,
Dr. Patil K.R., Developing an integrated design framework using python scripting,
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 02-01-2024, 19552505, 19552513
Dr. Lahane S.S., Evaluation and ranking of solutions to overcome the barriers of Industry 4.0 enabled sustainable food supply chain adoption,
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Volume 8, 2772-3909, July 2023,
Dr. Lahane S.S., A hybrid fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory and multi-criteria decision-making approach for successful implementation of supply chain collaboration strategies,
Journal of Supply Chain Analytics, Volume 5, 2949-8635, March 2024,
Dr. Yadav R.S., Examining the temperature field of Eco-friendly MQL Grinding via Experimental Research and FEM Simulation,
Journal of Community Practitioner, Volume 21, Issue 01, 1462-2815, 01-01-2024,
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Failure Analysis of Industrial Screw Conveyors,
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 06/203.
Dr. Swapnil Lahane, Evaluation and ranking of solutions to overcome the barriers of Industry 4.0 enabled sustainable food supply chain adoption,
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Volume 8, September 2023, 100116, July 2023,
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R. and Prof. M.P. Rode, Failure Analysis of Leaf Spring Used in Transport Utility Vehicles, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention Vehicles, 18/09/2022.
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R. and Shaunak Deshpande, Finite Element Analysis of Foldable Electric Vehicle,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, Volume 14(6), 697-702, 12/1/2022, ISSN/ISBN Number- 0975-3060.
Dr. Patil K.R., A.K. Raul, Aniket Anbhule, Madhura Barve, Ajay Bedare and Yogesh Magare,
Performance Evaluation of BTMS for Electric Vehicles using Heat Sink – A Numerical Study,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(2), 395-400. doi: 10.4273/ijvss.14.3.24 (SCOPUS, Source Record Id – 21100197978), 2022.
Dr. Patil K.R., I.N. Nagarkar, N.C. Kulkarni and S.S. Khadke, Design and Analysis of Artillery Rocket Launcher Tube Mounted on Truck,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(2), 395-400. doi: 10.4273/ijvss.14.3.24 (SCOPUS, Source Record Id – 21100197978).
Dr. K.R. Patil, Smita K. Patil, Harshal Kulkarni, Shivani Deshmukh and Shridhar Myakal,
Effect of Nozzle Design on the Stability and Performance of Self-Rotating Centrifugal Oil Filter,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 465-471, 2022.
Dr. K.R. Patil, Smita K. Patil, Harshal Kulkarni, Shivani Deshmukh and Shridhar Myakal,
Intelligent Self-levelling Platform for Missile Articulation,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 477-480, 2022.
Dr. K.R. Patil, Effect of Injection Timing and Oxygenate Concentration on Performance and Emission Characteristics of DEE-Ethanol-KOME Biodiesel Fuelled CI Engine,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 512-517.
Dr. K.R. Patil, Performance Testing of Multicylinder Compressed Ignition Engine with Dual Fuel Mode of CNG with Biodiesel and Diesel,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(6), 703-710, August, 2022.
Dr. P.K. Tamkhade, Ruchika D. Lande, Raviraj B. Gurav, Mandar M. Leleb, Investigations on Tube in Tube Metal Foam Heat Exchanger,
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, Volume 72, Part 3, 2023, Pages 951-957, 21/09/2022.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Anirban Sur and Anindita Roy, Effect of Term of Error on Wet-Bulb Temperature Measurement Using Aspiration Psychrometer,
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19(3), 2022.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Anirban Sur and Anindita Roy, Exergy Analysis of a Refrigeration System with a Minichannel Condenser Using R134A Refrigerant,
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19(15), 2022.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Analytical Study of Heat and Mass Transfer in Air Washer,
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 29, Pages 179-188, October, 2022.
Mr. Vivekanand Naikwadi, Fatigue Analysis of Alloy Wheel Using Cornering Fatigue Test and Its Weight Optimization,
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 3, Pages 1470-1474, 2022.
Dr. P.K. Tamkhade, Computational and Analytical Study on CPU Heat Sink Cooling by Single and Double Stack Air-Foil Micro Pin Fins,
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, 16/03/2023.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Performance of an Adsorption Chiller Using Diesel Truck Exhaust: Effect of Operating Parameters,
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor and Francis, 03/09/2023.
Dr. Vikas Radhakrishna Deulgaonkar, Ketan Joshi, Prasad Jawale, Sakshi Bhutada, and Sherly Fernandes.
(2021). “Failure Analysis of Timing Device Piston and Supply Pump Vanes in Fuel Injection System for Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention,
(Springer Publications).
Dr. Vikas Radhakrishna Deulgaonkar, Nupoor Ingolikar, Atharva Borkar, Sagar Ghute, and Neha Awate.
(2021). “Failure Analysis of Diesel Engine Piston in Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Engineering Failure Analysis,
(Elsevier Journal).
Dr. V. W. Bhatkar.
(2021). “Comparison of Theoretical and Actual Water Loss for Adiabatic Cooling of Fin Fan Water Cooler”,
Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, April 2021.
Dr. V. W. Bhatkar.
(2021). “Design of Vertical Fire Tube Boiler Using IBR Code and FEA Analysis”,
Inderscience, International Journal of Nanotechnology, April 2021.
Tamkhade P. K.
“Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficient for Intermediate Fluid Stream in Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger”,
International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis Journal, which is ESCI, Scopus, and UGC Care Listed.
Deulgaonkar V. R.
“Design and Drag Analysis of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for High Lift”,
Publication 10/8/2020 (SCOPUS).
Khot Rahul S, T. Venkateshwara Rao, Harshad Natu, H. N. Girish, Tadashi Ishigaki, Puttaswamy Madhusudan.
(2021). “An Investigation on Laser Welding Parameters on the Strength of TRIP Steel”,
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(2021)1-2, 45-52.
Khot Rahul S, T. Venkateshwara Rao, H. N. Girish, Tadashi Ishigaki, Puttaswamy Madhusudan.
(2021). “Preiskava Vpliva Parametrov Laserskega Varjenja Na Trdnost Jekel TRIP”,
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(2021)1-2, SI 7.
Khot Rahul S, T. Venkateshwara Rao, Keskar A., Girish H. N., Madhusudan P.
(2020). “Investigation on the Effect of Power and Velocity of Laser Beam Welding on the Butt Weld Joint on TRIP Steel”,
Journal of Laser Application, vol. 32, no. 1, art. ID 012016, DOI: 10.2351/1.5133158.
Khot Rahul S, Venkateswara Rao T.
(2020). “Effect of Quenching Media on Laser Butt Welded Joint on Transformed Induced Plasticity (TRIP) Steel”,
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 7544-7549, DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/90952020.
Khot Rahul S, Venkateswara Rao T.
(2020). “Investigation of Mechanical Behaviour of Laser Welded Butt Joint of Transformed Induced Plasticity (TRIP) Steel with Effect Laser Incident Angle”,
International Journal of Engineering Research and Technology, vol. 13, no. 11, p. 3398-3403, DOI: 10.37624/IJERT/13.11.2020.3398-3403.
Khot Rahul S, Venkateswara Rao T., Girish H. N., Madhusudan P.
(2020). “Parameter Forecasting of Laser Welding on Strength, Deformation and Failure Load of Transformed Induced Plasticity (TRIP) Steel Using Experimental and Machine Learning Approach”,
Journal of Seybold Report, Volume 15, Issue 8, Page No. 2148-2157.
Purandare Pramod S., Pradip K. Tamkhade, Lele Mandar M., Gupta Raj K.
(2019). “Thermal Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),
ISSN: 2249-8958, Vol.-X, Issue-X. Published: 2019 (SCOPUS).
R. J. Yadav.
(2019). “Experimental Study on Direct, Indirect and Open Air Drying of Kiwifruits Using a Hybrid Cabinet Type Solar Dryer”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),
ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-X, Issue-X. Published: 2019.
R. J. Yadav, Kore S. S., Raibhole V. N.
(2019). “Effect of Dimpled Surface with Straight Spoiler Turbulators on Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Characteristics for Channel”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),
ISSN: 2278-3075, Volume-8, Issue-12, Published: October 2019 (SCOPUS).
Deulgaonkar V. R., Kulthe R., Mekhe V., More M., Nandwadekar S.
(2019). “Finite Element Analysis of Centre Pin and Bracket of Jig – Fixture Assembly”,
International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development,
Volume 9, pp. 643-648, Published: August 2019 (SCOPUS).
Deulgaonkar V. R.
(2019). “Failure Analysis of Fuel Pumps Used for Diesel Engines in Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Engineering Failure Analysis,
DOI-21/07/2019, ISSN: 1350-6307 (Web of Science, Elsevier Ltd.).
Deulgaonkar V. R.
(2019). “Analysis of Vibration Characteristics of Transport Utility Vehicle by Finite Element Method”,
International Journal of Vehicle Structure & System,
Volume 11, 2019 (SCOPUS).
Deulgaonkar V. R.
(2019). “Finite Element Analysis of Chassis Integrated Structure for Tractor Trolley in Agricultural Applications”,
International Journal of Vehicle Structure & System,
Volume 11, 2019 (SCOPUS).
Pradip K. Tamkhade, Purandare P. S., Lele Mandar M., Gupta Raj K.
(2019). “Thermal Analysis and Performance Evaluation of Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),
ISSN: 2249-8958, Vol.-X, Issue-X, Published: 2019 (SCOPUS).
A. B. Gholap, M. D. Jaybhaye.
(2019). “Decision Making of Condition Monitoring Using AHP and TOPSIS Method”,
International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT),
ISSN: 2249-8958, Volume-8, Issue-6, Published: August 2019 (SCOPUS).
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Failure Analysis of Taper-Lock Bush Used in Aggregate Batcher Plant for Construction Applications,
Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 130, December 2021,
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Design and Analysis of Foldable Vehicle Using Finite Element Simulation,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, doi:10.4273/ijvss.13.3.25,
Dr. K. R. Patil, Design and Analysis of Control Strategy for an Efficient Battery Thermal Management System of an Electric Vehicle,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, (2022): 144-149. DOI:10.4273/ijvss.14.2.03,
Dr. Bhatkar V.W., Dynamic Simulation of Refrigeration System Using Dymola Behavior Modeling,
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 25, pp. 99–107, 2022 (Scopus).
Dr. Bhatkar V.W., Experimental Study of Multistage Indirect Evaporative Coolers,
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 69–77, 2021 (Scopus).
Dr. Bhatkar V.W. and A. Sur, An Experimental Analysis of Liquid Air Jet Pump,
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, No.12, 2021, pp. 1-5, (Web of Science, Scopus).
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.17.12.
Dr. Bhatkar V.W., Thermal Simulation of a Liquid-Air Jet Pump,
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 225–233, July 2021 (Scopus).
Yadav R.S., Design and Analysis of Electric Bike,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT), Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 165-171.
Yadav R.S. and Prasanna Rajendra Kadam, Structural Behavior of Fillet Weld Joint for Bimetallic Curved Plate Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA),
6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Technology,
Organized by DK International Research Foundation, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu ICARASET – 2021 Proceedings / ISBN Number: 978-93-90956-53-1, Page No. 23-28.
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Failure Analysis of Industrial Screw Conveyors, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 1547-7029. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11668-023-01719-3
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Design and Analysis of Self-Balancing Two Wheeler Vehicle,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, Vol.14. No. 5 (2023), 0975-3060, 26-12-2023
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, Vol.14. No. 5 (2023), 0975-3060, 26-12-2023
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Modelling and Finite Element Analysis of a Foldable Vehicle,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 16(1), 39-44, 08-03-2024,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, 16(1), 39-44, 08-03-2024,
Dr. Patil K.R., Developing an integrated design framework using python scripting,
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 02-01-2024, 19552505, 19552513
International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing, 02-01-2024, 19552505, 19552513
Dr. Lahane S.S., Evaluation and ranking of solutions to overcome the barriers of Industry 4.0 enabled sustainable food supply chain adoption,
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Volume 8, 2772-3909, July 2023,
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Volume 8, 2772-3909, July 2023,
Dr. Lahane S.S., A hybrid fuzzy decision-making trial and evaluation laboratory and multi-criteria decision-making approach for successful implementation of supply chain collaboration strategies,
Journal of Supply Chain Analytics, Volume 5, 2949-8635, March 2024,
Journal of Supply Chain Analytics, Volume 5, 2949-8635, March 2024,
Dr. Yadav R.S., Examining the temperature field of Eco-friendly MQL Grinding via Experimental Research and FEM Simulation,
Journal of Community Practitioner, Volume 21, Issue 01, 1462-2815, 01-01-2024,
Journal of Community Practitioner, Volume 21, Issue 01, 1462-2815, 01-01-2024,
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Failure Analysis of Industrial Screw Conveyors,
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 06/203.
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention, 06/203.
Dr. Swapnil Lahane, Evaluation and ranking of solutions to overcome the barriers of Industry 4.0 enabled sustainable food supply chain adoption,
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Volume 8, September 2023, 100116, July 2023,
Journal of Cleaner Logistics and Supply Chain, Volume 8, September 2023, 100116, July 2023,
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R. and Prof. M.P. Rode, Failure Analysis of Leaf Spring Used in Transport Utility Vehicles, Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention Vehicles, 18/09/2022.
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R. and Shaunak Deshpande, Finite Element Analysis of Foldable Electric Vehicle,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, Volume 14(6), 697-702, 12/1/2022, ISSN/ISBN Number- 0975-3060.
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, Volume 14(6), 697-702, 12/1/2022, ISSN/ISBN Number- 0975-3060.
Dr. Patil K.R., A.K. Raul, Aniket Anbhule, Madhura Barve, Ajay Bedare and Yogesh Magare,
Performance Evaluation of BTMS for Electric Vehicles using Heat Sink – A Numerical Study,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(2), 395-400. doi: 10.4273/ijvss.14.3.24 (SCOPUS, Source Record Id – 21100197978), 2022.
Performance Evaluation of BTMS for Electric Vehicles using Heat Sink – A Numerical Study,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(2), 395-400. doi: 10.4273/ijvss.14.3.24 (SCOPUS, Source Record Id – 21100197978), 2022.
Dr. Patil K.R., I.N. Nagarkar, N.C. Kulkarni and S.S. Khadke, Design and Analysis of Artillery Rocket Launcher Tube Mounted on Truck,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(2), 395-400. doi: 10.4273/ijvss.14.3.24 (SCOPUS, Source Record Id – 21100197978).
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(2), 395-400. doi: 10.4273/ijvss.14.3.24 (SCOPUS, Source Record Id – 21100197978).
Dr. K.R. Patil, Smita K. Patil, Harshal Kulkarni, Shivani Deshmukh and Shridhar Myakal,
Effect of Nozzle Design on the Stability and Performance of Self-Rotating Centrifugal Oil Filter,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 465-471, 2022.
Effect of Nozzle Design on the Stability and Performance of Self-Rotating Centrifugal Oil Filter,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 465-471, 2022.
Dr. K.R. Patil, Smita K. Patil, Harshal Kulkarni, Shivani Deshmukh and Shridhar Myakal,
Intelligent Self-levelling Platform for Missile Articulation,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 477-480, 2022.
Intelligent Self-levelling Platform for Missile Articulation,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 477-480, 2022.
Dr. K.R. Patil, Effect of Injection Timing and Oxygenate Concentration on Performance and Emission Characteristics of DEE-Ethanol-KOME Biodiesel Fuelled CI Engine,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 512-517.
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(4), 512-517.
Dr. K.R. Patil, Performance Testing of Multicylinder Compressed Ignition Engine with Dual Fuel Mode of CNG with Biodiesel and Diesel,
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(6), 703-710, August, 2022.
Int. J. Vehicle Structures & Systems, 14(6), 703-710, August, 2022.
Dr. P.K. Tamkhade, Ruchika D. Lande, Raviraj B. Gurav, Mandar M. Leleb, Investigations on Tube in Tube Metal Foam Heat Exchanger,
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, Volume 72, Part 3, 2023, Pages 951-957, 21/09/2022.
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, Volume 72, Part 3, 2023, Pages 951-957, 21/09/2022.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Anirban Sur and Anindita Roy, Effect of Term of Error on Wet-Bulb Temperature Measurement Using Aspiration Psychrometer,
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19(3), 2022.
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19(3), 2022.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Anirban Sur and Anindita Roy, Exergy Analysis of a Refrigeration System with a Minichannel Condenser Using R134A Refrigerant,
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19(15), 2022.
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, 19(15), 2022.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Analytical Study of Heat and Mass Transfer in Air Washer,
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 29, Pages 179-188, October, 2022.
JP Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Volume 29, Pages 179-188, October, 2022.
Mr. Vivekanand Naikwadi, Fatigue Analysis of Alloy Wheel Using Cornering Fatigue Test and Its Weight Optimization,
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 3, Pages 1470-1474, 2022.
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, Volume 62, Part 3, Pages 1470-1474, 2022.
Dr. P.K. Tamkhade, Computational and Analytical Study on CPU Heat Sink Cooling by Single and Double Stack Air-Foil Micro Pin Fins,
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, 16/03/2023.
Elsevier Material Today Proceedings, 16/03/2023.
Dr. V.W. Bhatkar, Performance of an Adsorption Chiller Using Diesel Truck Exhaust: Effect of Operating Parameters,
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor and Francis, 03/09/2023.
Advances in Materials and Processing Technologies, Taylor and Francis, 03/09/2023.
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Failure Analysis of Taper-Lock Bush Used in Aggregate Batcher Plant for Construction Applications,
Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 130, December 2021,
Engineering Failure Analysis, Volume 130, December 2021,
Dr. Deulgaonkar V.R., Design and Analysis of Foldable Vehicle Using Finite Element Simulation,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, doi:10.4273/ijvss.13.3.25,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures and Systems, doi:10.4273/ijvss.13.3.25,
Dr. K. R. Patil, Design and Analysis of Control Strategy for an Efficient Battery Thermal Management System of an Electric Vehicle,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, (2022): 144-149. DOI:10.4273/ijvss.14.2.03,
International Journal of Vehicle Structures & Systems, Vol. 14, Iss. 2, (2022): 144-149. DOI:10.4273/ijvss.14.2.03,
Dr. Bhatkar V.W., Dynamic Simulation of Refrigeration System Using Dymola Behavior Modeling,
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 25, pp. 99–107, 2022 (Scopus).
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 25, pp. 99–107, 2022 (Scopus).
Dr. Bhatkar V.W., Experimental Study of Multistage Indirect Evaporative Coolers,
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 69–77, 2021 (Scopus).
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 24, No.1, pp. 69–77, 2021 (Scopus).
Dr. Bhatkar V.W. and A. Sur, An Experimental Analysis of Liquid Air Jet Pump,
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, No.12, 2021, pp. 1-5, (Web of Science, Scopus).
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.17.12.
Frontiers in Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 17, No.12, 2021, pp. 1-5, (Web of Science, Scopus).
DOI: 10.5098/hmt.17.12.
Dr. Bhatkar V.W., Thermal Simulation of a Liquid-Air Jet Pump,
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 225–233, July 2021 (Scopus).
Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 23, No. 2, pp. 225–233, July 2021 (Scopus).
Yadav R.S., Design and Analysis of Electric Bike,
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT), Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 165-171.
International Journal of Advanced Research in Science, Communication and Technology (IJARSCT), Volume 9, Issue 1, Page 165-171.
Yadav R.S. and Prasanna Rajendra Kadam, Structural Behavior of Fillet Weld Joint for Bimetallic Curved Plate Using Finite Element Analysis (FEA),
6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Technology,
Organized by DK International Research Foundation, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu ICARASET – 2021 Proceedings / ISBN Number: 978-93-90956-53-1, Page No. 23-28.
6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Technology,
Organized by DK International Research Foundation, Perambalur, Tamil Nadu ICARASET – 2021 Proceedings / ISBN Number: 978-93-90956-53-1, Page No. 23-28.
Dr. Vikas Radhakrishna Deulgaonkar, Ketan Joshi, Prasad Jawale, Sakshi Bhutada, and Sherly Fernandes.
(2021). “Failure Analysis of Timing Device Piston and Supply Pump Vanes in Fuel Injection System for Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention,
(Springer Publications).
(2021). “Failure Analysis of Timing Device Piston and Supply Pump Vanes in Fuel Injection System for Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention,
(Springer Publications).
Dr. Vikas Radhakrishna Deulgaonkar, Nupoor Ingolikar, Atharva Borkar, Sagar Ghute, and Neha Awate.
(2021). “Failure Analysis of Diesel Engine Piston in Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Engineering Failure Analysis,
(Elsevier Journal).
(2021). “Failure Analysis of Diesel Engine Piston in Transport Utility Vehicles”,
Engineering Failure Analysis,
(Elsevier Journal).
Dr. V. W. Bhatkar.
(2021). “Comparison of Theoretical and Actual Water Loss for Adiabatic Cooling of Fin Fan Water Cooler”,
Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, April 2021.
(2021). “Comparison of Theoretical and Actual Water Loss for Adiabatic Cooling of Fin Fan Water Cooler”,
Elsevier Materials Today: Proceedings, April 2021.
Dr. V. W. Bhatkar.
(2021). “Design of Vertical Fire Tube Boiler Using IBR Code and FEA Analysis”,
Inderscience, International Journal of Nanotechnology, April 2021.
(2021). “Design of Vertical Fire Tube Boiler Using IBR Code and FEA Analysis”,
Inderscience, International Journal of Nanotechnology, April 2021.
Tamkhade P. K.
“Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficient for Intermediate Fluid Stream in Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger”,
International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis Journal, which is ESCI, Scopus, and UGC Care Listed.
“Estimation of Heat Transfer Coefficient for Intermediate Fluid Stream in Triple Concentric Tube Heat Exchanger”,
International Journal of Ambient Energy, Taylor & Francis Journal, which is ESCI, Scopus, and UGC Care Listed.
Deulgaonkar V. R.
“Design and Drag Analysis of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for High Lift”,
Publication 10/8/2020 (SCOPUS).
“Design and Drag Analysis of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle for High Lift”,
Publication 10/8/2020 (SCOPUS).
Khot Rahul S, T. Venkateshwara Rao, Harshad Natu, H. N. Girish, Tadashi Ishigaki, Puttaswamy Madhusudan.
(2021). “An Investigation on Laser Welding Parameters on the Strength of TRIP Steel”,
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(2021)1-2, 45-52.
(2021). “An Investigation on Laser Welding Parameters on the Strength of TRIP Steel”,
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(2021)1-2, 45-52.
Khot Rahul S, T. Venkateshwara Rao, H. N. Girish, Tadashi Ishigaki, Puttaswamy Madhusudan.
(2021). “Preiskava Vpliva Parametrov Laserskega Varjenja Na Trdnost Jekel TRIP”,
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(2021)1-2, SI 7.
(2021). “Preiskava Vpliva Parametrov Laserskega Varjenja Na Trdnost Jekel TRIP”,
Strojniški vestnik – Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 67(2021)1-2, SI 7.
Khot Rahul S, T. Venkateshwara Rao, Keskar A., Girish H. N., Madhusudan P.
(2020). “Investigation on the Effect of Power and Velocity of Laser Beam Welding on the Butt Weld Joint on TRIP Steel”,
Journal of Laser Application, vol. 32, no. 1, art. ID 012016, DOI: 10.2351/1.5133158.
(2020). “Investigation on the Effect of Power and Velocity of Laser Beam Welding on the Butt Weld Joint on TRIP Steel”,
Journal of Laser Application, vol. 32, no. 1, art. ID 012016, DOI: 10.2351/1.5133158.
Khot Rahul S, Venkateswara Rao T.
(2020). “Effect of Quenching Media on Laser Butt Welded Joint on Transformed Induced Plasticity (TRIP) Steel”,
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 7544-7549, DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/90952020.
(2020). “Effect of Quenching Media on Laser Butt Welded Joint on Transformed Induced Plasticity (TRIP) Steel”,
International Journal of Advanced Trends in Computer Science and Engineering, vol. 9, no. 5, p. 7544-7549, DOI: 10.30534/ijatcse/2020/90952020.
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