Home » UG Programme » Computer » Funded Projects » Patents
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status | |
1 | Dr. Swati Nitin Shekapure | Facial Emotion Detection Device | 413484-001 | Registered Design |
2 | Dr Kalpana Thakre | Iot Based Machine Learning Modules For Detection And Prediction Of Autism | 202421069231 A | Published |
3 | Dr Kalpana Thakre, Dr Girija Chiddarwar, Dr Smita Choudahri | Machine Learning Based robot for predictive analytics | 432600-001 | Registered Desgin |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status | |
1 | Ms. Reshma Kapadi | Agriculture Device for Pesticide Spray | 395499-001 | Registered Design |
2 | Dr. Neha Jain | Augmented Reality Feedback Analysis Device | 390495-001 | Published |
3 | Dr. Neha Jain | Automated Bug Detection And Repair In Software Using Deep Learning | 202341052710 | Published |
4 | Dr. Geetha Chillarge, Ms. Sarita Sapkal, Ms. Vandana Rupnar | Weather Forecasting Cultivation Device, UK Patent | 6304598 | Granted |
5 | Dr. Kalpana S. Thakre, Ms. Yogita Narule | Communication Efficient Federated Learning System With Data Privacy And Data Security | 202321072013 | Published |
6 | Dr. Kalpana S. Thakre, Dr. Girija Chiddarwar, Dr. Smita Chaudhari | Centralized Enterprise Resource Planning Device | 398539-001 | Registered Design |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status | |
1 | Dr. Swati Shekapure | IoT Based Solar Powered Agriculture Robot | 381449001 | Published |
2 | Ms. Sarita D. Sapkal, Dr. Geetha Chillarge | Emergency Ambient Noise Reactive VR System | 202321009558 | Published |
3 | Dr. Kalpana Thakare, Dr. Girija Chiddarwar | Intelligent Content-Based Video Retrieval System Using Deep Learning | 202321016888 | Published |
4 | Mrs. Vandana Rupnar | Biosensor-Based Device to Detect Lung Cancer | 202311007685 | Published |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status | |
1 | Dr. Girija Chiddarwar | Content-Based Image Retrieval Shape Features Using Deep Learning | 20222105577 | Published |
2 | Dr. Kalpana Thakare | Minimum Sample Elements with Multi-Scale Feature Vectors Based Learning & Training Technique for Noisy Images | 202241003780 | Published |
3 | Dr. Geetha Chillarge, Dr. Sankirti Shiravale, Dr. Swati Shekapure, Ms. Rupali Dalvi, Ms. Shailaja Jadhav, Ms. Pradnya Mehta, Ms. Vandana Rupnar, Ms. Sarita Sapkal, Ms. Ila Savant, Ms. Asma Shaikh | Personalized E-learning System to Make the Learning Process Challenging, Energizing, and Intelligent | 202022100200 | Granted |
4 | Dr. Aarti Agarkar | An Electric Vehicle Drive Range Estimation System | 2022/01067 | Published |
5 | Dr. Harmeet Khanuja, Dr. Aradhana Deshmukh, Dr. Arti Agarkar, Dr. Girija Chiddarwar | Device for Communication Between Deaf-Mute & Normal People | 202121057475 | Published |
6 | Dr. Kalpana Thakare | Optimized Skin Care Product Recommendation System Based on SVM-Based Machine Learning | 202141035032 | Published |
7 | Ms. Sankirti Shiravale | Smart Glove for Hearing Impaired | 202141031266 | Published |
8 | Dr. Sandeep Chaware | A System & Method for Joint Encoding & Encryption Using LDPC & Chaotic Security | 2021103993 | Published |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status | |
1 | Ms. Asma Shaikh, Ms. Jagruti Wagh, Ms. Anita Shinde, Ms. Shubhada Mone, Ms. Sankirti Shiravale, Ms. Vandana Rupnar, Ms. Pooja Dhule | Wearable Device for Alzheimer Patient | 202021049514 A | Granted |
2 | Dr. Sandeep Chaware | Class Monitoring System: IoT & AI-Based Real-Time Class Monitoring & Faculty & Their Course Material Availability | 2020102991 | Published |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status |
Dr. Swati Nitin Shekapure | Facial Emotion Detection Device | 413484-001 | Registered Design |
Dr Kalpana Thakre | Iot Based Machine Learning Modules For Detection And Prediction Of Autism | 202421069231 A | Published |
Dr Kalpana Thakre, Dr Girija Chiddarwar, Dr Smita Choudahri | Machine Learning Based robot for predictive analytics | 432600-001 | Registered Desgin |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status |
Ms. Reshma Kapadi | Agriculture Device for Pesticide Spray | 395499-001 | Registered Design |
Dr. Neha Jain | Augmented Reality Feedback Analysis Device | 390495-001 | Published |
Dr. Neha Jain | Automated Bug Detection And Repair In Software Using Deep Learning | 202341052710 | Published |
Dr. Geetha Chillarge, Ms. Sarita Sapkal, Ms. Vandana Rupnar | Weather Forecasting Cultivation Device, UK Patent | 6304598 | Granted |
Dr. Kalpana S. Thakre, Ms. Yogita Narule | Communication Efficient Federated Learning System With Data Privacy And Data Security | 202321072013 | Published |
Dr. Kalpana S. Thakre, Dr. Girija Chiddarwar, Dr. Smita Chaudhari | Centralized Enterprise Resource Planning Device | 398539-001 | Registered Design |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status |
Dr. Swati Shekapure | IoT Based Solar Powered Agriculture Robot | 381449001 | Published |
Ms. Sarita D. Sapkal, Dr. Geetha Chillarge | Emergency Ambient Noise Reactive VR System | 202321009558 | Published |
Dr. Kalpana Thakare, Dr. Girija Chiddarwar | Intelligent Content-Based Video Retrieval System Using Deep Learning | 202321016888 | Published |
Mrs. Vandana Rupnar | Biosensor-Based Device to Detect Lung Cancer | 202311007685 | Published |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status |
Dr. Girija Chiddarwar | Content-Based Image Retrieval Shape Features Using Deep Learning | 20222105577 | Published |
Dr. Kalpana Thakare | Minimum Sample Elements with Multi-Scale Feature Vectors Based Learning & Training Technique for Noisy Images | 202241003780 | Published |
Dr. Geetha Chillarge, Dr. Sankirti Shiravale, Dr. Swati Shekapure, Ms. Rupali Dalvi, Ms. Shailaja Jadhav, Ms. Pradnya Mehta, Ms. Vandana Rupnar, Ms. Sarita Sapkal, Ms. Ila Savant, Ms. Asma Shaikh | Personalized E-learning System to Make the Learning Process Challenging, Energizing, and Intelligent | 202022100200 | Granted |
Dr. Aarti Agarkar | An Electric Vehicle Drive Range Estimation System | 2022/01067 | Published |
Dr. Harmeet Khanuja, Dr. Aradhana Deshmukh, Dr. Arti Agarkar, Dr. Girija Chiddarwar | Device for Communication Between Deaf-Mute & Normal People | 202121057475 | Published |
Dr. Kalpana Thakare | Optimized Skin Care Product Recommendation System Based on SVM-Based Machine Learning | 202141035032 | Published |
Ms. Sankirti Shiravale | Smart Glove for Hearing Impaired | 202141031266 | Published |
Dr. Sandeep Chaware | A System & Method for Joint Encoding & Encryption Using LDPC & Chaotic Security | 2021103993 | Published |
Name of Inventors | Patent Title | Application No. | Status |
Ms. Asma Shaikh, Ms. Jagruti Wagh, Ms. Anita Shinde, Ms. Shubhada Mone, Ms. Sankirti Shiravale, Ms. Vandana Rupnar, Ms. Pooja Dhule | Wearable Device for Alzheimer Patient | 202021049514 A | Granted |
Dr. Sandeep Chaware | Class Monitoring System: IoT & AI-Based Real-Time Class Monitoring & Faculty & Their Course Material Availability | 2020102991 | Published |