Announcements Home » Announcement PhD interview for admission AY 2024-255 Days Faculty Development Programme on "Next Generation Engineering Practices: Materials, Design and Manufacturing" Organized by Department of Mechanical EngineeringCocubes final testAptitude and English Verbal Ability training programElectrical, Mechanical and E&Tc Dept.Aptitude and English Verbal Ability training programIT, Computer and AIDS Dept.Cocubes Pre assessment testEdunet skill development programMake your campus RAGGING-FREENational Ragging Prevention ProgrammeAPPLY HERE for Teaching Posts for A.Y. 2024-25AWARD of EXCELLENCE to MMCOEMMCOE has been recognised as the BEST COLLEGE by SPPUISTE Students' Chapter, MMCOE has been awarded The Best Student Chapter of ISTE Maharashtra and GoaMM Institutes and MMCIIIAchievement of NCC CadetIEI Best Student's Chapter AwardEmerging Student Branch of the Year 2021 AwardNo any Announcement