Ph.D. Computer Engineering

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Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering offers Ph.D Programme in Computer Engineering. Admissions to Ph.D. programme are governed as per the rules and regulations by SPPU. Currently two research guides, as mentioned here, are associated with the center
Name of GuideArea of Research
Dr. Kalpana S. ThakreArtificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Image Video Retrieval, Algorithms, Database Technologies
Dr. Swati N. ShekapureImage Processing, Artificial Intelligence

Areas of Specialization of Research

Research Center Facilities

  • Research Center contain Super Micro Workstation with 2.1 GHZ, 2 processors with 16 cores, 128 GB RAM, 1 TB HDD and 2 GPU slots with 3 GPU cards as:
    • Tesla K40 (for HPC, Data Science, Machine Learning Programming)
    • Two Titan X (Gaming and Animation)
  • Computation Server: DEV SERVER: Xeon® Gold 6330 and Login + Storage Server :3rd Gen. Intel® Xeon® 4310 Scalable Processors.
  • NVIDIA A100 80GB GPU with GPU services and NVIDIA SDK
  • PCs having processor Intel Core I7-11700f 11 generation, SSD 250 GB, 2GB DDR.
  • The licensed software for MATLAB.
  • Plagiarism Checking Software:
    • Turnitin Plagiarism Checker and
    • Plagiarism Checker X-Pro
  • Research Scholar Details

    Name of the StudentResearch TitleDate of Registration
    Ms. Madhuri KumbharMarathi Transliteration and word sense Disambiguation Model for Mixed Language and Script Using Phonetic Mapping18/05/2022
    Ms. Pallavi KulkarniDevelopment of Marathi Lexicon for Contextual Sentiment Analysis18/05/2022
    Ms. Yogita NaruleCommunication efficient Federated Learning architecture with Data Privacy and Data Security18/05/2022
    Mr. Jagdish IngleDesign and Development of Model for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using Deep Neural Network18/05/2022
    Ms. Arti GhuleDesign and Implementation of Epileptic Seizure(Neurological Disorder) Detection and Prediction using Machine Learning and Deep Learning20/10/2022
    Ms. Mayuri VengurlekarEnhanced Social Media Analytical Model using Deep Learning to Mitigate Negative TransferIn Progress
    Name of the StudentResearch TitleDate of Registration
    Ms. Aishwarya ManeNovel Federated Learning Approach for Detection and Classification of Diabetic Retinopathy using Retinal Images20/10/2022
    Mr. Prashant BasteDrivers Emotions Recognition using deep learning model with Cognitive Intelligence20/10/2022
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