Sr.No. | Name of Laboratory | Department |
1 | Computer Graphics Laboratory | Computer Engineering |
2 | Programming Laboratory | |
3 | System Programming Laboratory | |
4 | Database Management Systems Laboratory | |
5 | Computer Networks Laboratory | |
6 | High Performance Computing Laboratory | |
7 | Software Engineering Laboratory | |
8 | Digital Electronics Laboratory | |
9 | Post Graduate Laboratory | |
10 | Microwave and Broadband Communication Laboratory | Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering |
11 | Digital Electronics Laboratory | |
12 | Communication Engineering Laboratory | |
13 | Analog Lab – TI Laboratory | |
14 | Microcontroller Laboratory | |
15 | Signal Processing Laboratory | |
16 | Software and Hardware Laboratory | |
17 | Design Laboratory | |
18 | Power Electronics Laboratory | |
19 | Embedded Systems Laboratory | |
20 | Object Oriented Programming Computer Network Technology System Programming | Information Technology |
21 | Digital Electronics & Logic Design Processor Architecture & Interfacing | |
22 | Research Laboratory Center of Excellence Computational Intelligence | |
23 | Programming Laboratory Data Structures & Files Design & Analysis of Algorithms | |
24 | Operating System Data Science & Big Data Analytics Information & Cyber Security | |
25 | Computer Graphics Database Management Systems Machine Learning | |
26 | Web Technology Software Modelling & Design Distributed Systems | |
27 | Language Laboratory | |
28 | Applied Thermodynamics Laboratory | Mechanical Engineering |
29 | Basic Mechanical Engineering Laboratory | |
30 | CAD Laboratory | |
31 | Center of Excellence in Automation and Robotics | |
32 | Engineering Graphics I | |
33 | Engineering Graphics II | |
34 | Fluid Mechanics Laboratory | |
35 | Heat Transfer Laboratory | |
36 | Hydraulics and Pneumatics (Industrial Fluid Power) | |
37 | Material Science & Engineering Metallurgy | |
38 | Mechatronics | |
39 | Metrology & Quality Control Laboratory | |
40 | Power Plant Engineering | |
41 | Refrigeration & Air-conditioning | |
42 | Skill Development | |
43 | Theory Of Machines & Dynamics of Machinery | |
44 | Thermodynamics | |
45 | Turbomachinery | |
46 | Workshop | |
47 | Funded Research Laboratory | |
48 | Computer Lab | Electrical Engineering |
49 | Basic Electrical Engineering Lab | |
50 | Automation & Control Lab | |
51 | Power Electronics Lab | |
52 | Electrical Machines Lab | |
53 | High Voltage Lab | |
54 | Power System Lab | |
55 | Electrical Measurement And control lab | |
56 | Engineering Physics | Department of Engineering Sciences |
57 | Engineering Chemistry | |
58 | Basic Civil and Environmental Engineering | |
59 | Engineering Mechanics | |
60 | Basic Electronics Engineering | |
61 | Basic Electrical Engineering | |
62 | Engineering Graphics I | |
63 | Engineering Graphics II | |
64 | Basic Mechanical Engineering | |
65 | Workshop | |
66 | FPL Laboratory | |
67 | Computer Center |