To acquire new knowledge and polish the existing knowledge is one of the major purposes of the institute. The outcome of this activity is publications (Research papers; conference papers, books, book chapters and other publications) by the faculty members. The faculty members of IT department publish their research work in peer-reviewed and high quality indexed journals, professional conferences.
List of Faculty Publications –
Selected Publications
Mrs. Rupali M. Chopade, Vinod Pachghare.”A data recovery technique for Redis using internal dictionary structure”,Elsevier – Forensic Science International: Digital Investigation,Volume 38, September 2021
Ms. Shital A. Kakad.”Cross domain-based ontology construction via Jaccard Semantic Similarity with hybrid optimization model”,Expert Systems with Applications,Volume 178, 15 September 2021
Dr. Bharati P. Vasgi, “Research on Network Security Situational Awareness Based on Crawler Algorithm”,Security and Communication Networks, Hindawi.Vol. 55 No. 7 (2023),July 2023
Dr. Rupali M. Chopade, Dr. Bere Sachin Sukhadeo, Dr. Ratna Nitin Patil, “MLIDS: A Machine Learning-Based Intrusion Detection System Using the NSLKDD Data”,International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Vol. 12(4s), 167–179, Nov 2023
Swapnaja Amol Ubale, Jayashree Katti, “IoT Innovations in CottonPlant Disease Detection for Sustainable Agriculture,International Journal of Intelligent Systems and Applications in Engineering, Vol 12(15s),651–658
Dr. Bharati P. Vasgi,”Customer recommendation and notification using artificial intelligence and machine learning”,Neuroquantology, Vol 20 | Issue 11 | 3840-3846
Mrs. Preeti S. Joshi, “Study Report of Tor Anti Forensic Techniques”,International Conference on information and Management Engineering, Sept 2023
Mrs. Rashmi M. Bhattad,”Novel H-Unet Approach for Cropland Change Detection Using CLCD”,IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium, July 2023
Dr. Bharati P. Vasgi,”Harbin Gongye Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology”,Volume 54 Issue 7 Pages 27-32
Dr. Swapnaja Amol Ubale, “IoT Approach for Ensuring Safety in smart Cities for Energy Saving”,Journal of ElectricalSystems 20-2s(2024):418-423