IEEE Student Branch

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IEEE - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

Marathwada Mitra Mandal’s College of Engineering inaugurated “IEEE Student Branch” on 23rd May 2020. It organizes various events such as Webinar, Workshops, FDPs, Project Competitions, etc. Students from various colleges enthusiastically participate in events.

IEEE Student Branch was inaugurated on 23rd May 2020. It is established under IEEE Pune section. The main objective of IEEE student branch is to explore the skill sets of students. Overall communication of the students as well as, technical and non-technical skills will be enriched through different events, webinars, and competitions under the roof of IEEE. This is the bridge to connect International Organization to our college.

Activities conducted

Sr. No.Events ConductedDateNo. of Participants
1Expert Session on “Recent Trends and Opportunities on Computer Networks and Network Security”31st July 202364
2IEEE Awareness Session11th September 202353
3BROCODE Competition27th Octomber 2023102
4AVINYA 2K24 – IEEE Flagship Event13th January 2024151
Sr. No.Events ConductedDateNo. of Participants
1Ideastorm – A Project Competition27th August 202224
2Seminar on “Know your Induction Machine”17th September 202260
3UX-Factor15th Octomber 202253
4FDP on Deep Learning and its Applications30th to 04th Febryary 2023244
5Avinya – A Flagship Event04th March 2023130
Sr. No.Events ConductedDateNo. of Participants
1Debate competition – Speak for yourself24th July 202131
2Uxplore – Interface Design Competition26th July 20215
3Inauguration of Book Club05th Octomber 202150
4Plethora (A Collaborative Event with I Square IT College)16th September 2021150
5Presentation Competition29-01-2022102
6Technify: A Series of Webinars12th to 13th February 2022350
7Open Mic 2.0 – Cultural Event13th February 202221
8Webinar on “Introduction to MUN”08th April 202254
9GitHub Workshop09th to 10th April 202239
10>Webinar on SAP23rd April 202265
Sr. No.Events ConductedDateNo. of Participants
1Inauguration of IEEE Student Branch and Get-Set Hack.a.thon23rd May 2020211
2Demostrar-2K20: Idea Presentation Competition12th to 18th July  202032 groups
3Roundtable: The Webinar Series08th to 11th Octomber 2020315
4Jacintha – A Non-Technical Competition26th to 04th November 2020100
5Webinar on “Resume Writing”25th February 2021273
6IEEE Exuberance Week08th to 13th March 2021230
7Brainstorm: A Project Presentation Competition19th to 20th March 202150 groups
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