Sr.No. | Name | Designation |
1. | Shri. S. D. Ganage | President, MMM & GB Chairman Nominated by MM Mandal |
2. | Prin. B. G. Jadhav | Exe. President MMM & GB Member Nominee by MM Mandal |
3. | Shri. K.H. Mungale | Secretary, MMM & GB Member Nominee by MM Mandal |
4. | Shri. A. S. Pawar | Tresurer, MMM & GB. Member |
5. | Dr. D. S. Bhandari | Member, Nominee by MM Mandal |
6. | AICTE Nominee | Member- Nominee of AICTE, Nominated by WRC, Industrialist / Technologist / Educationist |
7. | SPPU Nominee | Member- Nominee of Pune University Nominated by Pune University, State Board of Technical Education |
8. | DTE Nominee | Member- Nominee of State Government Director DTE (Ex-Officio) |
9. | State Govt. Nominee | Member- Nominee of State Government Industrialist / Technologist / Educationist |
10. | Dr. Rupesh V. Bhortake | Member-Secretary, Principal of the College Nominee of Society / Parent Body / Trust |
11. | Prof. R. S. Patil | Faculty Member to be nominated from amongst the regular staff at the level of Professor |
12. | Mrs. P.M. Daflapurkar | Faculty Member to be nominated from amongst the regular staff at the level of Assistant Professor |